Slow Sunday Activities

"Cat in the Corner" Cedar Park, 2017
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/4, 1/15 sec, ISO3200
“Cat in the Corner” Cedar Park, 2017


It was a relaxing Sunday at our house. Just check out the photo of Anko – she has the right idea!

I did do a few chores around the house and yard, such as folding laundry, washing the bedding, and some light tree-pruning, but even those tasks were done at a slow pace. Unrushed tasks are not really chores at all anymore. In fact, they can be kind of fun. But, sometimes I realize how pleasant they can be only after the task is done. So I am trying to get that mindset before I start the task, which will motivate me to get started on them.

In the evening I played a ton of Splatoon on our Wii U. I’m terrible at that game but it’s a ton of fun. Even getting splatted by other players is hilarious! What I like about the game is that even for someone who has terrible aim in shooters, there are “weapons” that don’t require a ton of accuracy, or have different purposes other than just splatting other players. For instance, I love the paint rollers because they can cover a lot of ground in paint, and the attack is very imprecise. It’s good for someone like me who is accuracy-challenged.

"Battle Ready" Cedar Park, 2017
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/2.2, 1/320 sec, ISO200
“Battle Ready” Cedar Park, 2017

For dinner, I barbequed hamburgers on the grill. I tried a new technique for me, which is to not put the cheese on the burgers while they are on the grill. Instead, remove the cooked burgers to a plate, and then put the cheese on them while the patties rest. The cheese will still melt, but the grill won’t become a cheesy mess. It worked great… definitely the better way to make cheeseburgers! 🍔

I hope you had a nice Sunday. Here’s a nice relaxing tune from Splatoon. My favorite!


Escape from the Heat

"Battle Ready" Cedar Park, 2017
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/2.2, 1/320 sec, ISO200
“Battle Ready” Cedar Park, 2017


It’s 10 PM right now, and the temperature outside is still so hot: 91° F / 32° C! So you can imagine how hot it was in mid-day… in fact, we broke a record here when it hit 106° F / 41° C this afternoon. That’s just crazy… So, we didn’t spend much time in the great outdoors today. The only time was this morning when it was still pleasant. Mariko and I washed the windows that look out onto our deck. It actually felt pleasant this morning!

Today’s photo is of some Splatoon Amiibos that we have. Lots of people are playing Splatoon 2, which seems like a good idea for a hot day like today. Unfortunately, we don’t own a Nintendo Switch so we can only dream… I really want to get a Switch but I can’t really justify it since we don’t play many games. The only game I play now is Pokemon GO! and that’s just a super-casual thing. In fact, I mainly like to collect Pokemon, and I especially treasure the ones that I caught in far-off lands. 😀

I hope you had a nice, cool day!


Game time

"Shall We Play a Game?" Cedar Park, 2017
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/4, 1/300 sec, ISO400
“Shall We Play a Game?” Cedar Park, 2017

こんばんは How’s it going?

When I got my new phone a few weeks ago, not only did I have space to install any app I wanted, but I also had a phone with the processing power to play Pokemon GO! again. 😆

I don’t play games on my phone or computer with any regularity but I do enjoy it every once in a while. My type of game is the stress-free non-competitve type, like Animal Crossing or SimCity, and Pokemon GO! is pretty fun for me since you can simply collect Pokemon and not battle others.

Today’s photo is of my phone in the car. I have two pokestops that I visit in the neighborhood when I pick up Koa from school. Gotta stock up on pokeballs!

I hope you had a nice Saturday!

