Ehōmaki for Setsubun

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 27mm, f/2.8, 1/100 sec, ISO1250
“Ehoumaki” Cedar Park, 2022

Tonight we celebrated Setsubun by eating ehōmaki while facing this year’s lucky direction, North-Northwest. The sushi was delicious and filling. It’s one (Kansai) Japanese tradition that I truly love!

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 27mm, f/2.8, 1/100 sec, ISO800
“Sliced Ehoumaki” Cedar Park, 2022

Osechi Curry

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 27mm, f/2.8, 1/80 sec, ISO1600
“Osechi Curry” Cedar Park, 2022

One of the bonuses of New Year’s osechi is that eventually you can put most of the dishes into a pot and make a nice curry. The lotus, carrots, chicken, and mushrooms makes for a delicious Japanese curry. It’s awesome!

I hope you had a nice day. またね〜

New Years Osechi

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 27mm, f/2.8, 1/75 sec, ISO1600
“Osechi” Cedar Park, 2022

Here’s the osechi that Mariko and her friends made for the new year. They spent two days preparing all the dishes (I helped by providing cocktails) and everything tasted amazing! I love starting out the year with osechi – it’s such a treat!

And we also had ozōni, the traditional soup with mochi. Yummy!

Happy New Year! 明けましておめでとう!

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 27mm, f/2.8, 1/75 sec, ISO1600
“Ozoni” Cedar Park, 2022

Cold-Weather Comfort Food

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 27mm, f/2.8, 1/40 sec, ISO800
“Oden” Cedar Park, 2021

I returned from 80° F Southern California sun to a chilly 50° F Texas gloom, but tonight’s dinner was the perfect antidote. A pot of delicious Japanese oden. The traditional 辛子 karashi (hot mustard) was perfect with it, but I also kicked it up a notch by adding some fresh (homegrown by my mom) scotch bonnet to the broth in my bowl. 🌶 I was toasty warm after that meal for sure!