“Chicken Dinner” Cedar Park, 2018
こんばんは。How’s it going?
Well, the freeze hit us overnight and the roads were treacherous so we all had a snow day today. I pretty much shut myself in the home-office with the doors closed which works out nicely because I have a portable heater that I like to use to keep that room warm like a sauna. Well, not that hot, but I tend to like it warmer than the rest of the family does. 😀
As you can see from today’s photo, we enjoyed a nice big serving of Japanese fried chicken, or karaage. We have a small Cuisinart deep-fryer, which is perfect for cooking up these small pieces of tender chicken. It doesn’t use too much cooking oil, and you can reuse the oil a few times before discarding it. It’s also pretty easy to clean. I highly recommend it.
I hope you bundled up and had a nice Tuesday!