Photo info: Apple iPhone 12 mini, 1.55mm, f/2.4, 1/140 sec, ISO25 “2021 Percussion” Cedar Park, 2021
This evening Koa’s high school celebrate the band members who are graduating this year. We all got to walk onto the field amid cheers from the other students while the PA announcer read off the kids’ names and a bit out them (their accomplishments and future plans). It was a lot of fun!
The photo above is of the percussion seniors and their percussion director. Koa has been studying with the director for 7 years now! (6th grade though high school)
Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 55mm, f/6.4, 1/60 sec, ISO640 “Last Rehearsal” Cedar Park, 2021
This evening was the final rehearsal at the high school band pad for the 2021 marching season. It’s also the final rehearsal for Koa’s marching band career since he’s a senior and will be graduating in June of next year. Next week are the last competitions for the marching band before they transition to concert season.
It’s kind of sad to think that after four years, marching band is almost over and that soon he’ll be going to college. That means both of our kids will be living away from us for most of the year. I’m excited for them both, but wondering how life will be.
We went to the first marching band competition of the season this evening to watch Koa’s high school perform. It was awesome! All the bands were really great, with a ton of variety. It was so cool to see all the hard work pay off in amazing performances. Way to go everyone! (But especially my son, Koa 😄)
Today Koa’s drumline too part in the first competition of the season. It’s always held in Dripping Springs, which is in the Texas Hill Country and home to several nice breweries, so before his band played at 8pm, we stopped at Family Business Beer Company to eat pizza and try some beer.
Photo info: SONY ILCE-7RM4A, 70mm, f/2.8, 1/500 sec, ISO10000 “Koa, Mariko, and I” Cedar Park, 2021
Tonight was the homecoming ceremony at the football stadium. During halftime, the “Royal Court”, accompanied by their parents/guardians, are introduced on the field, and then the Homecoming King and Queen are announced. It was a lot of fun, and quite an experience, to be on the field with all eyes on us as we walked down the 50-yard-line.
In the end, Koa wasn’t selected as the king, but I think he said he’d rather someone else won anyways. I’m also glad that he got his wish, but also would have loved for him to be Homecoming King. 😄
A night to remember, for sure!
FYI, the photo above was taken and edited by my friend, Jeremy, who is a photographer for the visiting high school. I wasn’t expecting him to be there, but was happy to see him and he grabbed this photo between his official duties. Visit his Flickr page to see more of his photography!
Photo info: Apple iPhone 12 mini, 4.2mm, f/1.6, 1/200 sec, ISO32 “Large Crowd” Cedar Park, 2021
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My camera & photos
I use a Fujifilm X-series camera for most of the photos on this site and my Instagram. Why not pick one up for yourself?