Mother’s Day

"Lobster Roll" Cedar Park, 2018
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/3.2, 1/100 sec, ISO1250
“Lobster Roll” Cedar Park, 2018

こんばんは。How’s it going?

Today we started Mother’s Day by preparing a nice breakfast for Mariko. Koa decided that we should make Chicken and Waffles for her, and Bay suggested mimosas, so we went ahead with something close: the kids made a chicken and waffles casserole dish and mango mimosas (substituting mango juice for the orange juice). It turned out great and we all enjoyed our late breakfast.

"Chicken and Waffle Casserole" Cedar Park, 2018
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/5.6, 1/80 sec, ISO3200
“Chicken and Waffle Casserole” Cedar Park, 2018

The middle of the day was spent just relaxing and watching tv (I also had to work on getting my computer fixed) and then for dinner, Mariko requested lobster rolls. While I prepared the lobster salad, she baked really yummy buns.

I think this was my first time to make lobster and it was actually not difficult. We steamed the four lobster tails for about 15 minutes and they were tender and tasty. I combined the lobster meat with mayo, lemon juice, celery, green onion, salt, and pepper for a simple flavor that complemented the lobster nicely.

"Fresh Buns" Cedar Park, 2018
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/5.6, 1/55 sec, ISO3200
“Fresh Buns” Cedar Park, 2018

We consider ourselves foodies and we like to try new dishes, and today was no exception. I’m happy that they both were yummy and that Mariko had a nice Mother’s Day. 😀


Flour or Corn?

"Still Life by Otaku" Cedar Park, 2018
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/3.6, 1/30 sec, ISO800
“Still Life by Otaku” Cedar Park, 2018

こんばんは。How’s it going?

So today the taco trailer visited our office building and of course I couldn’t resist. I have a view of the parking lot from my desk so I can see which food truck is gracing us with its presence, and also see how long the line is. And one of my co-workers is my taco-buddy so I enjoy Taco Tuesday at the office. 🌮

When I was growing up, and there was the choice between corn or flour tortillas, I always chose flour. I really couldn’t understand why anyone would prefer corn tortillas. I’m pretty sure it was because I liked to eat tortillas plain, and I once chose corn tortillas which were really dry. So, I kept with flour as my choice all these years.

But now, living in the land of central Texas, we eat soft tacos a lot. And I prefer the double-corn tortilla style for these smaller tacos. I think it just tastes amazing! I could eat carnitas, onion, cilantro on corn tortillas every day.

Today, however, I decided to try flour tortillas with a pork-belly filling and it was really delicious. The pork belly is really greasy and the flour tortillas soaked up all those flavorful juices nicely. It was somewhat eye-opening! I guess I have to rethink my tortilla game, or maybe just get used to calling an audible every time I order. 😆


Today’s photo is what I call an Otaku Still-life, with Fuchico in the starring role. These little toys are nerdy things from Japan but they are really fun to take photos of. And then I had to also put some pencils and washi tape in the background to fill the frame. I admit it’s an “11:59 pm photo”, but I like it nonetheless.

I used my Ultrapod to hold the camera, then I positioned the elements while referencing the LCD screen. I then used the 2-second timer feature to reduce camera shake. In Lightroom, I added some grain to the final image, which I think adds a lot of character. I prefer a little roughness over a super clean look.

I hope you had a nice day!


Morning Momentum

"New Strings" Cedar Park, 2018
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/3.6, 1/80 sec, ISO6400
“New Strings” Cedar Park, 2018

こんばんは。How’s it going?

These past couple weeks have been extremely busy at work. It’s funny that sometimes I have so many projects lined up that it feels like it would be almost impossible to complete them all, and then I finish one of them and it seems to clear a roadblock and I am able to make a huge amount of progress on many of my other tasks. It’s kind of like a magical wave of momentum!

What I have noticed is that it happens quite often, so now I try to set myself up to kickstart that momentum in the morning. This is not really that mysterious or difficult to do. It’s often just the completion of a small morning task, or a productive meeting, or even a chat that can get the ball rolling.

What is great about this is that with each hurdle that is overcome, a bunch of stress is shed and that is a wonderful feeling of relief! I actually enjoy having that bit of pressure or stress when a project or task is looming because I am anticipating the amazing feeling of relief that comes with finishing the project.

Since projects come in never-ending cycles, it’s actually kind of cool to know that I have all these little wins to look forward to. In the past, I’ve been kind of depressed because it seemed like work never ends, but you know, I’d kind of feel at a loss if I had nothing to do. It’s so strange how people change…


Today’s photo is of my new Aquila ukulele strings. I love them! They certainly aren’t anything fancy nor exotic, but they sound a lot crisper (more clarity as Koa told me) than the strings that my ukulele came from the factory with. I’m very pleased!

I hope you had a nice Monday!



"Dinner" Cedar Park, 2018
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/2.8, 1/100 sec, ISO2500
“Dinner” Cedar Park, 2018

こんばんは。How’s it going?

Today was a tiring day… I didn’t have a chance to sleep in because Bay had an SAT test at 8 am, so I needed to make him breakfast and drive him over to the high school, 25 minutes away. After that I went to the local library to vote in the city elections, then I went back home to pick up Koa and take him to the high school for his percussion contest.

I had a couple hours before picking up the kids so I went to Strait Music to see if they had a set of special ukulele strings. The set of strings I wanted is called “Low G” because the G is an octave lower than standard ukulele tuning. That particular string is a heavier gauge. Anyways, Strait Music didn’t have it in stock, so I called Guitar Center to see if they did. The salesman there confirmed that they had it in stock, and I specifically asked if it was “Low G” and he said yes. So I made the drive over, which was not an insignificant one, but when I arrived, they only had the regular sets of ukulele strings. The guy said, “Sorry about that. I don’t really know about ukuleles.” I was pretty pissed. 😤

Ugh. Anyways, I headed back home, then picked up Koa from the contest, and then made the trek over to the other high school to pick up Bay.

When we got home, Mariko had returned from work and we had some time to relax a bit before some friends came over for dinner. It was so delicious! We had a Korean-style dish with chili paste, mochi, veggies, chicken, and cheese. Accompanying that was an assortment of Korean veggies and then chawanmushi. And as a bonus, our friends brought over some uni! I was so full, but so tired too from a long day.

I hope you had a good Saturday as well!


Star Wars Day and SCANDAL

"May the 4th" Cedar Park, 2018
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/2.8, 1/15 sec, ISO3200
“May the 4th” Cedar Park, 2018

こんばんは。May the Fourth Be with You!

In honor of Star Wars, I wore my one and only Star Wars shirt, a Uniqlo shirt that my family bought for me when they were in Japan. I still love the design! But there are seemingly random numbers on it, which must have some significance, but I don’t know what they refer to. 2, 1, 3, 3, 8, and 5. Maybe one day I’ll find out.

Today I also learned that SCANDAL will be having a concert in Dallas on September 16th! Unfortunately, I will be in China on a tour. But I’m not that bummed out because I have already seen SCANDAL in concert twice. They are pretty great, though! If you want to see a great show, go catch them on their US mini-tour!

I hope you had a nice Star Wars Day!
