Happy Spaghetti Saturday

"Spaghetti Dinner" Cedar Park, 2017
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/3.6, 1/75 sec, ISO6400
“Spaghetti Dinner” Cedar Park, 2017

こんばんは。How’s it going?

Today was a relaxing day, with a couple nice highlights. First was that my 16-year-old son and I made spaghetti sauce with meatballs and Italian sausage. It’s a recipe that I got from my Mom and everyone in the family enjoys it. But today, I had my son make the meatballs. He’ll be heading off to college in a couple years, so I think it’s good to get him familiar with the kitchen more!

The recipe is pretty simple but there is some room to add your own ingredients and make it to your own preference. For instance, I use less salt, but add some more spices to the mix. And I am sure that when Bay makes his own spaghetti (maybe for his own kids!) he’ll adjust the recipe to his own tastes.

As expected, the spaghetti sauce is yummy, and the meatballs were especially good! He did a great job mixing, forming, and browning the meatballs, only complaining about splattered oil 2 or 20 times. 😆

Earlier in the day, I watched the local High School marching band pass by our house as they marched through the neighborhood. My 13-year-old son is looking forward to joining the band when he goes to High School, but he still has one more year in Middle School. But he’s excited to see his friends who have become Freshmen marching in the band.

"Marching Band" Cedar Park, 2017
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/5.6, 1/750 sec, ISO200
“Marching Band” Cedar Park, 2017

I hope you had a great day!


My Typical Day

"Pork Donburi" Cedar Park 2017
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/4, 1/80 sec, ISO3200
“Pork Donburi” Cedar Park 2017

Dinner, dishes, and drawing. That’s a typical evening for me lately. I am enjoying life!

The pork donburi with shishito peppers and eggs was delicious, and then while doing the dishes, I enjoyed the pretty clouds as they floated by. 🌥

"View from the Sink" Cedar Park, 2017
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/5.6, 1/600 sec, ISO200
“View from the Sink” Cedar Park, 2017

Tonight’s drawing is actually a copy of a previous drawing, which I scanned, printed, and then applied ink with a brush. It was difficult to control (the brush was too long and soft) but fun to try something new. I think I prefer the line portraits right now.

"Inkling" Cedar Park, 2017
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/5.6, 1/70 sec, ISO3200
“Inkling” Cedar Park, 2017

To see all the sketches I’ve been working on, you can check out the Flickr album “My Sketching Journey”, or my Instagram account barron.sketches which I created just for posting sketches, watercolors, and stationery items.

I hope you had a good Thursday!


Memory Box

"Round" Cedar Park, 2017
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/3.2, 1/100 sec, ISO2500
“Round” Cedar Park, 2017

こんばんは。How’s it going?

The other day I was searching for a palette knife for my son, and I checked an old wicker storage chest that I’ve had for as long as I can remember. I keep a lot of old things in there, including some art supplies. I didn’t find the palette knife in there, but I did get lost for a half hour looking through the contents of the chest.

I have used this chest to keep a bunch of personal “memorabilia” safe for so many years. It holds my high school diploma, achievement awards, old photos, maps, plane and train tickets, old baseball and concert tickets, and letters.

The letters were what interested me most, specifically letters from a pen pal that I had in high school. For maybe a year, I exchanged letters with another high school student who lived in Paris. It was so much fun to receive letters from Sophie! I remember every day wondering if I’d get a nice surprise in the mailbox. And I would dream of someday traveling to Paris to meet my pen pal.

I eventually did travel to Paris, but by that time, I was no longer in contact with my pen pal. I wonder what kind of life she is living now… I think I’d rather not know, but be happy keeping it a mystery.

Anyways, tonight’s photo is of a drawing I worked on. I tried to shorten the face but I think it may be too round? I actually like the shape, though. I also tried to blacken the hair using pencil, and I thought that it wouldn’t come out looking nice, but I’d give it a go anyways just to know for sure. やっぱり。。。I don’t think I’ll do that again.   But I am glad I found out.

To see all the sketches I’ve been working on, you can check out the Flickr album “My Sketching Journey”, or my Instagram account barron.sketches which I created just for posting sketches, watercolors, and stationery items.

I hope you had a nice Wednesday!


Evening Routine

"Three Amigos" Cedar Park, 2017
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/2.5, 1/125 sec, ISO5000
“Three Amigos” Cedar Park, 2017

こんばんは。How’s it going?

I’ve settled into a nice evening routine, which I am enjoying quite a bit. It’s funny, but the things I used to think of as “chores” are now part of a routine that I don’t give too much thought to, and they don’t really cause any stress.

Each night I will clean the cat litter box, which only takes a minute, but I would visualize how awful a job it is and fill my mind with negative thoughts like, “why am I the one who has to do this?”. 🐱 But these days, I just do it and my mind is thinking about things other than the cat poop. Does that make sense? It’s like I am on auto-pilot and since I don’t think about the chore that I am doing, it doesn’t affect my frame of mind negatively. My body might be scooping poop, but my mind is enjoying talking with my family, thinking about drawing, or listening to the baseball game that’s on the tv in the living room.

Another task that I do almost every night is washing the dishes. This is less of an “auto-pilot activity”, but I look at it as an opportunity to chat with the family in a relaxed environment (just after dinner, everyone is usually in a good mood). Or, if everyone has left the kitchen area, I can catch up on some podcasts. So, it’s a productive time of my day.

The same goes for brushing my teeth in the evening. I admit I used to often skip the nighttime brushing 😇. But for the past couple years this important task also has become an “auto-pilot activity” and I will listen to a podcast while I do it.

So those are my “tasks” that I do every evening. I also have a few other routines that are on the fun side, but I’ll save that for another blog post.

Tonight’s photo at the top of this post is of my three watches that I like to wear. My Seiko SKX007 (on the right) is what I wear every day, my Timex weekender is a watch I sometimes wear to bed. It’s so light and the band is so soft that I don’t even realize I am wearing it. But I find the audible ticking noise to be relaxing and helps me sleep. The watch in the center is my Seiko 5 SNK809, which I don’t wear as often, but once in a while, I will throw it on. What’s nice about the automatic watches like the Seikos I own is that they don’t use batteries. Just a few shakes to get them going and then they will power up by just regular body movement. I love that!

Lastly, the photo below is my latest practice sketch. I tried drawing it without referencing the proportions video that I needed to watch for the previous sketch. I guess it turned out OK, but I’m still not very happy with it. It’s a little “off”. Still, it’s good to practice.

"Practice Sketch" Cedar Park, 2017
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/3.2, 1/100 sec, ISO2500
“Practice Sketch” Cedar Park, 2017

To see all the sketches I’ve been working on, you can check out the Flickr album “My Sketching Journey”, or my Instagram account barron.sketches which I created just for posting sketches, watercolors, and stationery items.

I hope you had a nice Tuesday!


A Monday

"August 7 Practice" Cedar Park, 2017
“August 7 Practice” Cedar Park, 2017

こんばんは。How’s it going? Did you survive another Monday? 😀

I don’t have much to say tonight. Actually, I do want to write about my frustrations with setting up our Windows network, but I’ll save that for another time. I’m pretty tired and I want to read before I fall asleep.

But I did want to share another drawing I did a few minutes ago. I think I should keep drawing faces from straight on for a while so I can memorize the proportions I like. I like tonight’s drawing, but it might be a little long? I don’t know. Anyways, I am learning to erase quickly instead of trying to draw more to fix mistakes. And I am getting better at controlling the pencil. Sounds funny to say that, but I can feel that I am slowly gaining a little more skill.

To see all the sketches I’ve been working on, you can check out the Flickr album “My Sketching Journey”, or my Instagram account barron.sketches which I created just for posting sketches, watercolors, and stationery items.

Ok, enough for tonight. See you tomorrow!
