”Three Girls” Cedar Park, 2018
こんばんは。How’s it going?
Today went by so quickly! Even though I woke up fairly early (before 8 am), there was so much to do.
First, opening the mail that had collected for me the past week, a little freelance work, vacuuming, and breaking down cardboard boxes kept me busy before the kids woke up. Next, it was off to the market to buy ingredients for dinner, then to the mall to find some black slacks for Koa. Who knew it could be so difficult! We went to five stores before finding a pair that fit and wasn’t crazy expensive.
By that time it was early afternoon and time to get cooking! Mariko was going to a potluck and requested I make barbacoa meat for tacos. It was fairly easy to make, and with the Instant Pot, it was fast too. I love that pressure cooker!
But before dinner, I went out driving with Bay. We need to really finish up and get him his license soon (hopefully before September). He has to finish some online classes, and we just need a few more hours of driving (and parallel parking) before he can take his driving test. So we are on a fast track to get it done. On the plus side, Bay is a really good driver, so I’m not too worried about him on the road.
After we returned home, it was taco time! The barbacoa meat was tender and yummy, but honestly, I’d take carnitas over barbacoa any day of the week.
In the evening, I had three large piles of laundry to fold, and that brings us up to the present. It’s 11:24 and I need to wrap this up.
I hope you had a nice Sunday!