Marching Band, 2020 Version

Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 19mm, f/3.2, 1/35 sec, ISO3200
“On Snare” Cedar Park, 2020

Tonight we went to the stadium to watch Koa perform in the marching band for the band parents. Due to the COVID-19 situation, the marching band competitive season and all travel was cancelled, but they still were able to rehearse (both virtually and socially-distanced in-person) and perform at a few home-field football games. The show was redesigned to keep space between each band member, although I have to say there were a few moments were it got closer than 6 feet. But still, it was nothing like past shows, which was appreciated. All students wore masks, the wind and brass instruments had coverings, and many of the kids also wore face shields. Happily, we haven’t heard of any band kids nor band staff testing positive for COVID-19.

New this year, Koa switched instruments from marimba to snare. This meant he was actually marching in the field instead of just up in the front ensemble. I think he really enjoyed it. He was also a drumline captain! Yay, Koa!

The photo above was taken through my binoculars in case you were wondering. I don’t have a long telephoto lens, so this will have to do. 😆

Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 19mm, f/3.2, 1/100 sec, ISO640
“Marching Band” Cedar Park, 2020

You can watch the show below:

The angle of the camera makes the crowd appear packed, but actually the seats were marked off with tape so that groups would be kept apart at a safe distance, and masks were required. I was reluctant to let Koa return to marching band this year (many of the students attended 100% virtually), but after seeing a few of the rehearsals, I was more comfortable with how seriously everyone was taking it. And Koa has some pretty sweet tan-lines on his cheeks from wearing his mask! 😄

Normally we attend several of the football games to see the band perform but this year we only saw the show once. Hopefully next year the pandemic situation will be over and Koa can enjoy a normal senior year performing at more games and competitive events.

Marching Band 2020

Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/5.6, 1/350 sec, ISO200
“Rehearsal on the Pad” Cedar Park, 2020

This year’s marching band season is continuing on, but of course it’s not nearly the same. For instance, there are no competitions, and the band will not be traveling to away football games. The actual show they are working on is designed to keep the kids socially-distanced, and all the kids wear masks (and many have face-shields as well).

I went to the rehearsal today to see how they were doing, and was really impressed with the mask-wearing. This was honestly a big concern for me. But I think it will be okay.

Awesome Performance at the Alamodome

“Finals Performance” San Antonio, 2019
Photo info: FUJIFILM X-T10, 55mm, f/4, 1/125 sec, ISO1000
“Finals Performance” San Antonio, 2019

So after yesterday’s bus debacle, Koa’s high school band performed at 9:30 am in the preliminary competition, and scored third in their class, which meant they earned a position in the finals, which are held in the evening. It’s pretty impressive that they did so well after waking up super-early (I dropped him off at the high school at 4 am).

But what is even more amazing, is that in the finals, which started at 7:30 pm, they came in third place, which is the highest they’ve ever achieved at Bands of America! They have a fantastic show this year, but honestly, we kind of knew two other bands would capture the top spots. It was just a question of where Koa’s band would end up. All the bands in the finals are really terrific, so when they kept announcing the bands (in order from 14th on up) and Koa’s band wasn’t mentioned, Mariko and I were very excited. And when they announced 4th place, and it wasn’t Koa’s band, I was very happy – a third place finish (out of a total of 64 in all) is awesome!

“Awards Time” San Antonio, 2019
Photo info: FUJIFILM X-T10, 55mm, f/4, 1/125 sec, ISO1000
“Awards Time” San Antonio, 2019

This is the last marching competition that they will participate in this year and what a finale! Next weekend the drumline goes up to Dallas to compete, and of course there are a few more football games to perform at, but I think the pressure is off for the band kids. Another fun season (for the band parents too) is in the books.

I hope you had a nice day!


Marching Band Bus Mishap

Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 19mm, f/4, 1/10 sec, ISO200
“Watching the Bands” Cedar Park, 2019

こんばんは。How’s it going?

Today, Koa’s high school marching band was supposed to perform in San Antonio in a Super-Regional competition. Unfortunately, there was a snafu with the buses, and only 4 of the 6 buses showed up to take them to San Antonio (a 1.5 hour trip). So, Koa and a few of his band friends came over to watch the other marching bands on the streaming service. They had a good time, but of course would have preferred to perform.

But, they have been reschedule to perform at 9:30 am Saturday morning, which means a call-time of 4:15 am at the high school before taking regular school buses down to the Alamodome. It’s not an ideal situation, but they gotta roll with the punches! I was always wondering what would happen if there was a break-down or accident. I guess it’s always play-it-by-ear. 😆

I hope you had a better Friday than they did!


First Band Competition of the Season

Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/2, 1/1700 sec, ISO200
“Pep Talk” Austin, 2019

こんばんは。How’s it going?

Koa’s high school marching band took part in their first competition of the season, and they did great, finishing 4th place out of 26 bands. Their show this year is pretty good, and of course they spend so much time practicing every day. Mariko and I watched all the finalists’ performances, and they were all awesome! I’m not really very competitive so I don’t get too caught up in the results (at least I try not to) but it’s great to hear and see all the different shows.

Each and every one of these student musicians is really dedicated in order to perform at this level, and it’s really cool to see them all cheering the other bands on. It’s really like a big family, and in this age of social media, they know a lot of the students of the other schools. Band is like one humongous family! Very cool!

Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/3.2, 1/100 sec, ISO1000
“The Finalists” Austin, 2019

I hope you had a great day!
