Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/4, 1/17 sec, ISO6400 “Black and White Piano” Cedar Park, 2019
こんばんは。How’s it going?
Soon, we’ll be selling the piano that Bay has practiced on for the past several years. Since he is now off at college, it rarely gets used. Koa will once in a while play, but not enough to warrant keeping it. We’ll be sad to see it go but life goes on, and we still have Bay’s old electric piano, which I might bring downstairs again for Koa to play.
So, if you are in the Austin area, would you like to buy a well-cared-for piano? Let me know! 👍
Today is bittersweet because Bay’s last piano recital was this afternoon. He’s been taking lessons since he was about 9 years old, which means he’s performed in about 16 recitals (which seems crazy to me!). But since Bay will be going to college in August, this was his final recital.
Surprisingly, he had chosen to work on Franz Liszt’s Campanella for the recital, which is a notoriously difficult piece to play. We were worried because he’s pretty busy with school, and also he’s not the most eager to practice, but happily, his performance at the recital was great. He only slightly stumbled a couple of times, and they weren’t any pauses. During the intermission, his instructor said, “Bay almost gave me a heart attack, but he did it!” I had the same feeling. 😄
After the performance, his instructor said a few nice words about Bay, and Bay told the audience about his future plans of studying Architecture. It was a really special moment. 😂 We’re sad that he only has a couple more months of formal lessons, but I am hoping he continues piano on his own in the future!
Anyways, here’s a couple of photos and a video from when Bay first started his piano career:
One of my life’s little pleasures is reading a book while listening to Bay’s piano lessons. 📙🎹 I’m sad that there’s less than a year left for piano lessons since Bay will be leaving for college next summer… 😥
So, continuing with the music theme that has dominated the family news lately, Koa has started taking piano lessons. His first class was tonight and he said it was fun but tough to remember all the fingering for the scales. I’m excited to hear his progress, though! And it was fun to dig up Bay’s old piano books for Koa to use. 懐かしい!
In other news, Bay is getting ready to head off to a summer architecture camp. He’ll be gone for four whole weeks! It’s at USC, though, so it’s nice that my family in California can take care of him. I hope he learns a lot and enjoys living in the dorms. I know I had a great time during my university years! They grow up so fast, don’t they?
I hope you had a great day!
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My camera & photos
I use a Fujifilm X-series camera for most of the photos on this site and my Instagram. Why not pick one up for yourself?