Second viewing

Hi everyone!

I’m very sleepy, so today’s post will be brief. Bay and I went to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens again and I enjoyed the movie even more than the first time! I’ll have to write a bit more about it later, but tonight I want to say that I am a little disappointed in the theater we usually go to.

Alamo Drafthouse Lakeline is usually pretty good, but the past couple times, they have been out of the menu items we wanted. For our first Star Wars show, Bay wanted the Chewbacca Crepes and I wanted the Frito Pie Burger, but both were sold out. I thought that was odd since it was a 4:30 show, and the movie had been in the theaters for several days already. I would have thought they would have had the menu items worked out as far as demand goes.

Anyways, today we wanted to get the Chewbacca Crepes, but they were sold out again! And the beer I ordered was sold out too! What gives? Really disappointing, especially since today’s show was really early (2:30). 😞 But at least the movie was fantastic and our seats were great.

USA. Texas. Austin. 2016.
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/2, 1/17 sec, ISO6400
USA. Texas. Austin. 2016.

Ok, enough ranting for tonight. I am going to sleep now. It’s going to drop below freezing tonight outside, so we have the space heater on. Stay warm wherever you are!



Dark skies


How are you doing? It’s nice that we made it to the weekend, isn’t it? Do you have big plans? For us, there is not too much planned. Tomorrow Bay and I will see Star Wars VII again! I am excited to see it the second time where I can focus on the small details in the scenes and not worry about the plot. Will it be a better experience, or just different? We’ll find out!

This morning was not the best one for me. When I rolled down the passenger side window of my car, the glass dropped into the door! It seems that the mechanism that raises and lowers the window broke. So I had to drive to the service department with the window open which made for a cold and loud commute! Outside, the temperature was 46°F so I was bundled up in and extra jacket and a scarf, plus I had the heater going full blast!

But, it got fixed and I also had four recalls done for my car. I drive a 2004 Honda Odyssey minivan which has over 140,000 miles on the odometer, so it is getting pretty old and worn out. But I love that vehicle so much! It is really convenient and comfortable. I hope I can keep it for a while longer, but it seems like things are starting to break in it so I am predicting I will have to get a different car this year. I will probably get something a bit smaller with better gas mileage, but who knows?

Today’s photo is of the sky this morning. I took it right before the window broke. I post-processed it to give it an ominous look. The clouds look like brushstrokes, don’t they?

USA. Texas. Austin. 2016.
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/4, 1/125 sec, ISO640
USA. Texas. Austin. 2016.

Tonight should be chilly, but we will see temperatures drop below freezing this weekend! Bundle up and stay warm, everyone!



Lunch with friends


How are you today? Mine was a good day. I got a lot of work done, which is kind of funny. The reason I say that is not because of the actual work, but because my morning routine has changed a lot lately concerning it. For a while now I have been stressing about the tasks and projects that are on my plate. And usually I would be filled with a bit of dread that I might get them done. But I always do, and things work out. So nowadays, I wake up, think about work, but the thoughts are not filled with stress about how am I going to manage, but rather wondering in what way I will end up managing things. I have confidence that things will get done, but I am curious to see how I will actually do them. Like I am two people, and one is sitting back watching the other. Strange, isn’t it? But it’s also fun and fascinating.

But there is some sad news at work too. A coworker who I have worked with for 7 or 8 years is leaving. She found a different job with better growth potential. So while we are all sad to see her go, we are happy for her too. Today’s photo was taken at a local pizza joint, where we took her out for lunch. I made an Instax print of the photo for her, and my friend and I wrote a short good luck message on it.

USA. Texas. Austin. 2016.
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/4, 1/125 sec, ISO5000
USA. Texas. Austin. 2016.

I hope you had a great Thursday! The work week is almost over and the weekend is near!



At home and Instax

Hi everyone! How are you this evening, morning, or afternoon? I’m doing well, although my back hurts a little bit. Luckily it is not serious, and not one of those inner muscles. So I think a good night’s rest will set things back in order. 😊

"Kasumi Arimura Instax" USA. Texas. Cedar Park. 2016.
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/5, 1/125 sec, ISO3200
“Kasumi Arimura Instax” USA. Texas. Cedar Park. 2016.

I’ve been going a little crazy printing out from the Instax SP-1 lately. I’ve gone through my Flickr photos a bit and selected a bunch to print out – I have 22 photos in the queue! It’s so fun to fill up the album. I don’t have one specific subject to print out… I print all kinds. From family photos, pet photos, landscapes, black & white, you name it! I also print out photos of my favorite celebrities such as the one above of Kasumi Arimura. I watched the movie “Flying Colors” and enjoyed it quite a bit, and also thought she was great in “Amachan”. So, why not make an Instax print? The photo is now a bookmark for one of the many books I am currently reading (and never seem to finish).

My Instax album can hold 108 photos and I think I have printed about 50 so far, giving away 10 or so. It’s funny that this little printer and the photos it produces has been so fun. I am still trying to figure out exactly what the appeal is and how it fits in with my photography hobby. Maybe I shouldn’t think about it too hard and just enjoy the experience?

Well, I hope your Wednesday was enjoyable!



Chilly mornings


Today was chilly again especially in the morning. I mentioned yesterday that my windshield was icy, and today was almost as cold so the car iced up again. ❄️ I thought I would take a photo of it to share… this time it didn’t take too long for it to melt (maybe only 3 minutes). The past couple days I have been parking backwards on the driveway so that when I leave in the morning, I can just drive straight out. I think this change of angle has made it easier for the windshield to freeze.

"Icy Windshield" USA. Texas. Cedar Park. 2016.
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/2.8, 1/125 sec, ISO2000
“Icy Windshield” USA. Texas. Cedar Park. 2016.

This evening, Bay and I went to the theater to see “Sherlock: The Abominable Bride”. 🎥 It was a special one-time movie event and the theater was very full. The girl who collected the tickets said there were only 20 seats left unsold! I was wondering how many people would actually go to the event and was pleasantly surprised at the turn-out. Plus, everyone was a Sherlock fan, so the vibe was really good. Before the show started, there was a bunch of Sherlock trivia on screen which was pretty fun. Bay got more answers correct than I did which is not surprising!

"Sherlock Special" USA. Texas. Cedar Park. 2016.
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/2.8, 1/300 sec, ISO25600
“Sherlock Special” USA. Texas. Cedar Park. 2016.

Oh, we got tickets to see Star Wars again for Saturday! I can’t wait. 😆

Hope you had a wonderful day!
