“Cool Labels” Austin, 2024
These saké bottle labels are so cool. Love them!
daily slice-of-life photo blog of a Gen-X dad
Mariko and I went to our friends’ house for a saké-tasting and potluck party. It was fun and the food was delicious!
Most of the conversation was in Japanese, and I am finding that I can understand more and more lately (yay for Duolingo!). I’d say I understand maybe 40%. I’m getting there slowly!
I hope you had a great day! またね〜
こんばんは。How’s it going?
Next week I am going to see the movie Love Live! Sunshine!! The School Idol Movie: Over the Rainbow so I need to catch up with the tv series. I don’t know if I will be able to binge watch all of the episodes, but I’ll at least be able to get familiar with the characters so I am not totally lost at the movie!
And while I watch, I might as well enjoy a glass of saké, right? Ah, the good life! 😆🍶