Setsubun Food

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 35mm, f/2, 1/105 sec, ISO500
“Ehoumaki” Cedar Park, 2023

It seems like we just celebrated Setsubun, yet here it is again. Yay! As usual, we enjoyed some massive ehoumaki sushi rolls, while facing this year’s lucky direction, South/Southeast. And of course you cannot speak until you’ve finished the whole roll!

This year, we also had soba, which is eaten traditionally at New Years. Since this marked the new year in ancient times, Mariko decided to make soba as well as the ehoumaki. It was so delicious! And now we’ll have double-luck this year.

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 35mm, f/5, 1/105 sec, ISO4000
“Soba” Cedar Park, 2023

Ehōmaki for Setsubun

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 27mm, f/2.8, 1/100 sec, ISO1250
“Ehoumaki” Cedar Park, 2022

Tonight we celebrated Setsubun by eating ehōmaki while facing this year’s lucky direction, North-Northwest. The sushi was delicious and filling. It’s one (Kansai) Japanese tradition that I truly love!

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 27mm, f/2.8, 1/100 sec, ISO800
“Sliced Ehoumaki” Cedar Park, 2022

Setsubun 2021

Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/2.5, 1/40 sec, ISO640
“Oni and Ehoumaki” Cedar Park, 2021

Today is Setsubun, and we had our traditional ehoumaki which was eaten facing south-southeast this year. Normally, Setsubun falls on February 3rd, but this year it came a day early. The last time it was celebrated on the 2nd was way back in 1897! February 2nd is also my dad’s birthday, so it’s a nice double-celebration this year. 😊👹


"Ehōmaki" Cedar Park, 2018
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/3.2, 1/80 sec, ISO3200
“Ehōmaki” Cedar Park, 2018

こんばんは。How’s it going?

Tonight we celebrated Setsubun by eating our traditional Ehōmaki, or “lucky direction sushi”. You are supposed to eat the whole uncut maki sushi in silence, while facing the lucky direction, which happens to be south-southeast this year.

Of course, we have extra sushi, so that gets sliced into pieces which we can enjoy after we finish our rolls. Yum!

"Sushi" Cedar Park, 2018
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/3.2, 1/100 sec, ISO2500
“Sushi” Cedar Park, 2018

I was looking forward to eating Ehōmaki all day long, and it didn’t disappoint. 😀

I hope you had a nice Saturday!
