“Clouds” Austin, 2019
Fun to look up in the sky these days. The photo above was taken on my way home using my X100T which I carry in my bag, and the photo below was taken with my phone during an early evening run.

“Clouds” Cedar Park, 2019
daily slice-of-life photo blog of a Gen-X dad
Fun to look up in the sky these days. The photo above was taken on my way home using my X100T which I carry in my bag, and the photo below was taken with my phone during an early evening run.
こんばんは。How’s it going?
Well, it’s August and we are in full summer mode here in Texas. The temperatures are in the mid to upper 90s so not too bad yet. I actually love the heat, but it makes it a little more difficult to go running. 🏃 Today I went out when the temperature was 92° F and it was kind of tough. Usually, that kind of heat doesn’t bother me too much, but since I just wasn’t feeling it, and also I just started running more consistently last month, I took it easy and walked for the second half of my 2-miler.
Walking around the neighborhood is fun though – I like seeing how everyone takes care of/neglects their yards and lawns. 😝 Exercising is a lot more fun if I don’t think about calories/working out, but just enjoy being outdoors.
Speaking of running, it’s time (long overdue, actually) to replace my On Cloud running shoes. 👟 These have been the best running shoes I’ve ever owned, so I think I will just get a new pair of them. Instead of my light grey/orange/white, I am getting the navy/white color scheme. I think they look nice!
I took my Converse High Tops and On Cloud running shoes to New York, and of course the running shoes were way more comfortable. So I am looking forward to using the new ones not only for running, but for traveling. Yay!
Today’s photo is of the evening sun coming into the kitchen. The sun sets after 8 pm now, so we get a lovely light to end the day. 😀
I hope you had a nice Saturday!