To Houston and Back

“On the Road” Texas, 2021

On the way back from Houston, I stopped by Banana Leaf to pick up some Malaysian food and also got some Mochinuts. Everything was delicious!

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-E4, 27mm, f/2.8, 1/100 sec, ISO1250
“Mochinuts” Cedar Park, 2021

I also set the GoPro on the dash and recorded a “TimeWarp” video of the drive home. The clouds look way better in the video than they did in real-life. I have the GoPro set to use its own color-profile, and I like the results very much!

I hope you had a great day! またね~

Captured Bird

Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 19mm, f/2, 1/16000 sec, ISO200
“Bird” Cedar Park, 2020

When I make a time-lapse video, I’ll set my camera to capture a photo every few seconds, resulting in thousands of images which I’ll later compile into the video, and I will also use one of these images as my daily photo. I usually scroll through the small thumbnails to find a cloud formation I like, then post-process it. Today the photo I clicked on had a bird in it. Yay! Is that like finding a lucky penny on the street? 😄

Anyways, enjoy the video. Lots of cool shadows being cast upwards this evening!