Father’s Day Happenings

"At the Flea Market" Kyle, 2016
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/8, 1/1700 sec, ISO200
“At the Flea Market” Kyle, 2016

こんばんは!Happy Father’s Day to all the dad’s out there!

Today was a super busy one for us because both Koa and Bay are starting week-long summer camps. First off, Koa is attending a percussion camp down at Texas State University in San Marcos which is about a 45-minute drive south from us and today was his check-in and audition. He’s pretty excited because he gets to stay over in the dorms! Plus there are a lot of fun activities planned and many different classes where he’ll learn a lot of different kinds of percussion. I think he’ll have a ton of fun! 🎼

After dropping him off, we decided to stop by the Kyle Flea Market that we passed by on the way to the camp. It was pretty fun, but super hot! Although today is only in the low 90s, the flea market warehouse was not air-conditioned so it was sweltering! 😅 We didn’t find anything worth buying but it was still interesting to see how much junk was for sale.

"Homemade SIgnage" Kyle, 2016
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/3.2, 1/8000 sec, ISO200
“Homemade Signage” Kyle, 2016

Next up was lunch, which I got to decide since it is Father’s Day. I was presented with two choices: Shake Shack or Burgerfi. I think I was pretty much guided to choose Burgerfi which was fine with me. The burgers were yummy and it really hit the spot! I chose the “Conflicted Burger” which was one meat patty and one veggie-patty. It was pretty good, but I think I should have just gotten a double-cheeseburger with jalapeños, which is exactly what Bay ordered. Mariko had a cheeseburger with fried egg, and I had a bite… definitely a good combination!

"Three Burgers" Austin, 2016
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/5.6, 1/100 sec, ISO2000
“Three Burgers” Austin, 2016

Next up on our Sunday list was to visit the UT campus to check out where Bay’s 3D Printing & Product Design camp will be held. Mariko will be dropping him off and picking him up each day so she wanted to make sure she knew the location. Once we checked it out, we walked to a cream-puff bakery called Cream Whiskers for some ice coffee and matcha cream-puffs. It was yummy!

When we left the bakery, it was close after 6pm so we headed home and then watched game 7 of the NBA finals, and that brings us up to the present!

Oh, one more thing… my Father’s Day loot!

"Father's Day Loot" Cedar Park, 2016
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/8, 1/17 sec, ISO6400
“Father’s Day Loot” Cedar Park, 2016

I received a bunch of cool stuff:

  • Sweet treats and trail mix from my parents
  • Yo-kai Watch game for the Nintendo 3DS (or my 2DS)
  • Food-grinder attachment for our mixer so I can make fresh burgers 🍔
  • 5-year Diary. Each day has five entries, so you can easily see what you did on the same day the previous year

Now it’s almost midnight and I didn’t get to play Yo-kai Watch yet… maybe I’ll get to play tomorrow. 🎮

I hope you had a great weekend. ☺️

おやすみなさい! – B Barron Fujimoto

Sunday Downtime

"Sunday Downtime" Cedar Park, 2016
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/2.8, 1/250 sec, ISO800
“Sunday Downtime” Cedar Park, 2016

こんばんは!Hello, how’s it going?

Today was a relaxing day, although I did do a couple of DIY tasks (cutting some wood for a shelf, and fixing a toilet), but what was the best part of today was watching TV! In particular, by chance, there was a television program on called “Kyo、burari” which is sort of like a walking tour of Kyoto neighborhoods. Today’s episode was around Kyoto University and they visited a small boarding house apartment for students. It reminded me of my first apartment when I lived in Japan.

It’s funny, but because the episode took place in summer and I moved into the apartment at the same time, I felt memories coming back to me that had been long forgotten. The sound of the cicadas, the look of that old, small apartment room, filled me with a natsukashii (nostalgic) feeling. Also, because the tv program is sort of a walk around the city, the transition to the empty apartment was something that I experienced firsthand. When I lived in that apartment, I didn’t want to stay inside… I spent most of my time out in the city, walking around and exploring.

So, it was really nice to watch the show today and relive some of those feelings. And it was very unexpected to see that show, because it’s not scheduled on our TV Japan programming, but for some reason the previous show was cut short and they had to fill the time with another program.

Today’s photo is of our family room, and you can see Koa and Anko on the sofa,and the tv showing a different Japanese program. That was our Sunday!

Anyways, I hope you had a nice weekend!


– バロン Barron Fujimoto

High in the sky

"Blue Skies" Cedar Park, 2016
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/7.1, 1/2700 sec, ISO200
“Blue Skies” Cedar Park, 2016

Summer traveling will be starting for many people. Safe journeys everyone!

I took this photo at the elementary school athletic field. My son, Koa, and I went there to throw the baseball and enjoy the outdoors. The clouds had been so interesting for the past few days so I was planning on getting a couple nice photos of them, and when this plane flew by, I snapped one of it between the clouds. I adjusted the exposure levels and color a bit in Lightroom, and also bumped up the clarity.

Fly above

Cedar Park, 2016
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/5.6, 1/300 sec, ISO200
Cedar Park, 2016

こんばんは! Hello, how’s it going?

I am doing well… my workload is getting back to normal and the stress level is going down. It feels great! I feel like I am the plane in today’s photo… finally getting over the storm and moving on. ✈️

As I sit here listening to music, I realize that I don’t have much to write about tonight. And I am not gonna worry about thinking up something… just going to cut it short right here and take it easy. 😊

Have a wonderful evening!


– B Barron Fujimoto