Air Filter

Photo info: FUJIFILM X-T10, 35mm, f/2, 1/45 sec, ISO1600
“Air Filter” Cedar Park, 2025

I bought a small HEPA air filter for my home office because I’ve been dealing with allergies for the past few weeks. I’m trying to reduce airborne allergens, including pet dander, and I hope it helps. At the very least, it can’t hurt. Plus, it’s cute!

Current Office Setup

Photo info: Apple iPhone 15 Pro, 6.7649998656528mm, f/1.8, 1/55 sec, ISO800
“Office Setup” Cedar Park, 2025

I tidied up the office and rearranged some items. It’s starting to come together, but there’s still plenty to do! Next up is decluttering and clearing desk space. Honestly, it’s both fun and satisfying!

On to the Next Notebook

Photo info: Apple iPhone 15 Pro, 6.7649998656528mm, f/1.8, 1/60 sec, ISO320
“New Morning Pages” Cedar Park, 2024

I finished my Muji notebook and have started on this Maruman notebook for my morning pages. It’s so satisfying to finish a notebook!

The Maruman has been used for random work notes so it’s already half done. Shouldn’t take too long to finish it and clear more clutter. Go me.