Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/4, 1/500 sec, ISO400 “Waiting” Cedar Park, 2016
こんばんは!Hi, how’s it going?
Today’s photo is of a man waiting outside the martial arts studio. I assume he is waiting for his child to finish his class. I was in the area after finishing dinner, and was strolling around to get to the Pokestops that were nearby. Are you all playing Pokemon GO as well? I am playing it once in a while, but it is hard because the game runs so poorly on my phone. It’s frustrating and I give up many times because it just lags and then freezes. 😩
For the past few days, I’ve been fasting… meaning I have only had water, tea, and black coffee. It’s called a water fast and there are a lot of benefits to doing it. I wanted to go a bit longer than 3 days, but I think it’s good to just do a short fast before taking on longer ones. I’ve done 24-hour, and 36-hour fasts before, but the 72-hour was my longest to date! I felt fantastic after the first day and the fasts always reset my outlook on life (and food) for the better. It also gives the body a chance to heal itself, and the results for me are nicer skin, and my sore neck feels a lot better. I recommend you all do some research into water fasting… it’s a life-changer!
My first meal back from the fast was a nice bowl of Vietnamese Pho. The broth was so delicious and the veggies and noodles were excellent as well. After fasting, your sense of taste and smell are heightened so the meal was amazing. In all honesty, it probably wasn’t the best pho in the area, but today it sure tasted like it!
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/6.4, 1/950 sec, ISO400 “Saying Hi” Cedar Park, 2016
こんばんは!Hello, how’s it going?
Well, I didn’t expect to take another cloud photo for today’s snapshot, but as I was doing the dishes this evening, this beautiful cumulus specimen appeared over the trees to say hello. I couldn’t pass up the chance, so I shut off the water, grabbed my camera which was in the other room, then came back to the kitchen to take four photos of the cloud. I liked this one the best, and deleted the other three.
I am a big proponent of only keeping the best version of a series of photos if possible. In this case, the other three were simply different views of the same scene, some farther away from the window, and some closer. The photo above was the image that I felt was framed the best by the window, so it became the “keeper” and the other three got the “X” (marked for deletion).
I’ve heard people say that you should never delete any of your photos. Storage is cheap, after all. It doesn’t cost anything extra to keep every single photo you take, right? While this may be true, I personally found that I was paying the price in speed. The large amount of images was bloating my Lightroom catalog and slowing things down.
Conversely, by only keeping one photo from a series of images, my Lightroom catalog is lighter and more responsive. Plus there’s less visual clutter when I scroll through the catalog, or when I browse my images online at I can scan quickly. I don’t have to wade though a bunch of mediocre versions of the same subject (and believe me when I say that I capture a TON of mediocre images!).
For me, it’s important to cull the photos soon after Iimport them into Lightroom or copy them to my computer. (I even try to delete photos before that in-camera) The quicker I get rid of those photos, the less time they have to make an imprint in my mind. I believe everything takes a portion of the brain’s attention, even a tiny bit of my subconscious. So, once the photos cease to exist, it frees that part of my brain’s hard drive, as well as my computer’s hard drive. At least that is what I believe. 😌
When I first began culling my photos, it wasn’t easy to delete photos. Yes, I was a digital hoarder at the time! But one thing that helped me was to imagine that my Lightroom catalog was a slideshow that I would be presenting to an audience. Would I want to show them 4 pictures of the same cloud? No way. They would get bored (and annoyed) quickly. I would pick the best photo to show them, and respect their time and attention. So why wouldn’t I treat myself with the same respect?
Once I got comfortable with culling quickly, it became easy, and it actually became fun! Making decisions and not looking back or regretting my actions gave me a sense of control. It won’t change the world, but it did affect the way I felt. Plus, once you start decluttering, it just snowballs and it feels great!
Okay, I seem to have rambled on a bit (again). So, back to the photo at hand…
For the Lightroom edit, it was similar to my previous post’s photo, with the addition of selective white balance. I gave the cloud a warmer tone, and the sky a cooler tone. That’s it! I’d estimate that I spent about 4 minutes in Lightroom before exporting.
I hope you had a nice day today. Let’s have a great Friday to close out the work week!
As always, if you have a comment or question, let me know.
Photo info: FUJIFILM X100T, 23mm, f/2.5, 1/100 sec, ISO1250 Cedar Park, 2016
こんばんは!Greetings humans! 👽
As you can see from today’s photo, I’m “enjoying” the new exercise bike. It’s actually pretty good, although my legs are so weak. I get tired after only 10 minutes! I guess the energy drink I had wasn’t conducive to burning calories but I thought it was delicious. 🍺
I mentioned in my previous post that I wanted to try to wake up early and exercise before getting ready for work. Yeah, that didn’t happen. I am taking advantage of the fact that I don’t need to wake up the kids (Spring Break) and make breakfast for them. So I can sleep in! I will enjoy this week as well. 😜
But seriously, we read that if you can exercise more in your 40s, you’ll have a much healthier brain in your 60s. I don’t know if it is true or not, but it is good motivation to get active, which has other benefits. Plus, it’s fun to exercise. And then I can also enjoy yummy foods more, right?
Well, I am going to try to sleep early to counteract the daylight savings adjustment. Talk to you again!
こんばんは!How’s it going today? Wow, the days are flying past like crazy… I don’t remember when time seemed to move so fast.
Today I took Koa to baseball practice. I took today’s photos when I was picking him up at around 8pm. As you can see, there was still plenty of light in the sky… it’s already starting to feel like summer!
Only five kids from Koa’s team showed up for practice, but that’s to be expected because of Spring Break. Many families go on vacation this week but we usually stay at home. Our school district usually has a few days off earlier in the year, when other schools are still in session. This works out nicely because the popular vacation destinations are usually empty!
The past couple years, we’ve taken advantage of this to go to Disneyworld and the parks were empty! Well, not like a ghost town, but the wait times for rides were usually around 10 minutes or so. It was so great, with less stress and we didn’t have to have a strict plan. We kind of just played it by ear and just went with what felt good, and we still got to experience all the rides we wanted to go on, some rides multiple times!
But back to today… we bought something to help improve our health: an exercise bike. The model we got was relatively inexpensive, but rated very highly. I assembled it this evening in about 40 minutes… there was only a slight problem with one plastic piece, but it is not a big deal and doesn’t affect the performance nor safety.
What I like about this bike is that the handlebars have a large area that is perfect for a tablet or kindle. So, I am thinking that I will try to read a bit and get some exercise in after I wake up. It seems like I should be able to wake up a bit earlier and get in at least 15 minutes before showering and getting ready for the day. We’ll see how it works out. I am curious to see how it affects my energy levels and mindset during the day.
This is a photo from the end of August 2015 when I went on a business trip to Stockholm. The city is beautiful, especially because it is on the water, where reflections can highlight the city and bridges, making for some wonderful photo opportunities. I am not sure exactly how much distance I covered during the days I had free, but the city is so walk-able that it I found it impossible not to just wander around the city. In fact, there were a couple of times where I stepped outside the hotel doors, chose a direction and just started walking. There are even some fantastic routes for running right in the middle of the city, which is so convenient. If you ever have the chance to visit Stockholm, you should!
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My camera & photos
I use a Fujifilm X-series camera for most of the photos on this site and my Instagram. Why not pick one up for yourself?