“Lantern View” Cedar Park, 2021
The past few evenings, my main mode of relaxation is to light my Dietz lantern, and watch soothing Japanese and Korean camping videos. The campsite setups are really cool, the views are often amazing, and the food looks absolutely delicious! It’s a little different from the normal camping in the States – the lack of picnic tables is notable – but I love to see the gear that people use. A lot of it is very おしゃれ (fashionable) and expensive, but really elevates the experience from basic camping to glamping.
I really enjoy camping, and have shifted towards a more minimalist and lightweight gear set up. This is essential if you are carrying everything on your back for miles before you get to the campsite. But for car-camping, why not splurge and bring the heavy gear, larger stoves, full cooler, and extra lanterns and string lights? 😄
Here are a few of the channels I have been enjoying:
I hope you had a nice day! またね~